Amplenote vs Joplin: Unveiling the Ultimate Note-taking App

In the rapidly evolving world of note-taking applications, two strong contenders have emerged for individuals and businesses seeking powerful yet user-friendly solutions: Amplenote and Joplin. Both applications offer unique features and capabilities, presenting users with various options to fit their specific needs.

Amplenote, designed for productivity enthusiasts, combines note-taking with task management, allowing users to create and organize their to-do lists efficiently. On the other hand, Joplin is an open-source platform emphasizing privacy and providing users with end-to-end encryption and the ability to self-host their data. This makes it an attractive option for those who prioritize data security and customization.

Comparing Amplenote and Joplin requires a deep dive into both their strengths and weaknesses. This analysis will facilitate making an informed decision when selecting the most suitable note-taking application for individual or professional purposes.

Amplenote Overview

Amplenote is a versatile note-taking app designed to help you jot down ideas, organize information, and manage your tasks efficiently. With its seamless integration of a calendar, tags, and to-do lists, Amplenote strikes a balance between simplicity and functionality.

Available on iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Linux, Amplenote lets you access and sync your notes and to-do lists across multiple devices. Thanks to its simple and clean interface, users can easily navigate through the app and keep their information organized.

One of the standout features of Amplenote is its powerful tagging system. By simply adding tags to your notes or tasks, the app categorizes and sorts the information based on the tags, making it easier to find relevant notes and declutter your workspace.

In addition to its note-taking capabilities, Amplenote also excels at task management. Users can easily create, prioritize, and track tasks in their to-do list, as well as integrate these tasks into their calendar for better time management. This integration eliminates the need for a separate calendar app, ensuring a seamless workflow.

Amplenote puts a strong emphasis on privacy and security. With end-to-end encryption, your notes and tasks remain safe from unauthorized access. This encryption not only applies to data stored on your device but also to information synchronized across your devices.

Beyond note-taking and task management, Amplenote provides an option for users to publish their notes as blog posts. With a few clicks, you can turn your notes into engaging content and share it with a wider audience.

Feature Description
Platforms iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Linux
Calendar Integrated calendar for tasks and events
Tags Organize notes and tasks with tagging system
Task Management Create, prioritize, and track tasks with to-do lists
Privacy End-to-end encryption for data security and privacy
Blog Publishing Publish notes as blog posts with ease

In conclusion, Amplenote presents itself as a reliable and feature-rich app ideal for individuals who seek a unified solution for note-taking, task management, and, to some extent, content creation. Whether you’re a student, professional, or creative, Amplenote’s versatile and user-friendly design ensures a productive and enjoyable experience.

Joplin Overview

Joplin is a popular open-source note-taking and task management application available on multiple platforms, including Mac, Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS. It boasts a clean and intuitive interface allowing users to create, organize, and manage both notes and tasks within a single app.

One of the key features of Joplin is its robust support for Markdown, a lightweight and user-friendly markup language. This allows users to format their notes and write tasks with headings, lists, bold and italic text, and more. The built-in Markdown editor also provides a live preview, allowing users to see the final formatting without needing to switch between editing and preview modes.

When it comes to privacy and data security, Joplin stands out by offering end-to-end encryption for your notes and tasks. This means your data is encrypted on your device before being synced to the cloud, ensuring that your private information remains secure even if a third party were to gain access to your cloud storage account.

Aside from its core note-taking and task management functionalities, Joplin also offers a handy web clipper extension for popular web browsers. This feature allows users to easily save web pages, images, and snippets of text, making it simple to store and organize online content for later reference.

Platform Available

Overall, Joplin is a versatile and powerful open-source tool for managing notes and tasks, providing an array of essential features like cross-platform compatibility, Markdown support, end-to-end encryption, and a web clipper, all packaged within a user-friendly interface.

User Interface Comparison

Amplenote and Joplin both offer clean and intuitive user interfaces across various platforms, including macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android. This allows for a smooth and seamless user experience regardless of the device being used.

In Amplenote, the user interface focuses on simplicity and functionality. It features a three-panel layout with a notes list, an editor, and a preview pane. This design makes it easy to navigate through your notes, edit them, and see the changes in real-time. Additionally, Amplenote offers a dark mode, which can be easily toggled on and off, providing an eye-friendly alternative for those who prefer it.

On the other hand, Joplin also has a user-friendly interface, with a layout that is quite similar to Amplenote. Joplin’s interface comprises a sidebar for quick navigation, an editor panel, and a preview pane. One notable difference between the two is that Joplin supports both Markdown and Rich Text editing, giving users the flexibility to choose the format that suits them best. Joplin also features a dark mode for added convenience.

In terms of platform support, both Amplenote and Joplin are highly versatile:

Platform Amplenote Joplin
macOS Yes Yes
Windows Yes Yes
Linux Yes Yes
iOS Yes Yes
Android Yes Yes

Overall, the user interfaces of Amplenote and Joplin share many similarities, making it easy for users to acclimate to either platform. Both applications prioritize ease of use and prioritize user comfort with features like dark mode.

Organization Capabilities

Amplenote and Joplin are both powerful note-taking applications that offer robust organization capabilities. In this section, we will discuss their features with respect to notes, tasks, tags, jots, searching, tagging system, and sidebar.

Amplenote allows users to create and organize notes in a simple yet efficient way. It supports tags and jots that help in categorizing and finding notes easier. The application’s sidebar displays all notes and jots in a hierarchical manner, making navigation hassle-free. Amplenote’s advanced search functionality allows users to filter notes by tags or perform a full-text search.

On the other hand, Joplin provides a seamless way to manage notes and tasks through its tagging system and hierarchical organization structure. Each notebook can have sub-notebooks, and notes can be sorted alphabetically, by date, or manually. The application’s searching capability is top-notch, featuring full-text search with support for filters like tags and notebooks.

When it comes to tasks management, Amplenote stands out with its built-in task manager that allows users to create and edit tasks easily. Tasks can also be embedded within notes, providing a seamless note-taking and task management experience. Joplin, however, does not have a dedicated task manager but supports creating tasks using checkboxes in notes.

Here is a table summarizing the key organization capabilities of Amplenote and Joplin:

Feature Amplenote Joplin
Notes Yes Yes
Tasks Built-in task manager Checkboxes in notes
Tags Yes Yes
Jots Yes Not available
Searching Advanced search Full-text search
Tagging system Hierarchical tags Hierarchical notebooks
Sidebar Notes and jots Notebooks and notes

In conclusion, both Amplenote and Joplin excel in organization capabilities, offering several features to help users efficiently manage notes and tasks. Choosing between these applications depends on your specific needs, preferences, and desired workflow experience.

Integration and Compatibility

Amplenote and Joplin both offer a variety of integrations and compatibility options with other note-taking apps and operating systems.

Amplenote allows users to import notes from Evernote and plain text files. Joplin, on the other hand, supports importing notes from Evernote, Markdown files, and plain text files. In terms of exporting, Amplenote allows users to export notes in Markdown and HTML formats, while Joplin supports exporting in several formats, including JEX (Joplin Export), Raw Files, Markdown, PDF, and HTML.

Regarding compatibility with other note-taking apps, Amplenote does not offer direct integrations with OneNote, Notion, Roam, Obsidian, Bear, or Standard Notes. Joplin also lacks direct integration with these apps, but it provides an open API, making it possible for developers to create plugins and scripts for integration with other services.

When it comes to operating system compatibility, both Amplenote and Joplin support macOS, Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS. This allows users to access and manage their notes on various devices and platforms.

For storage and syncing, Amplenote relies on its own cloud-based storage system. Joplin, on the other hand, offers more options for syncing, supporting cloud storage services like OneDrive, Dropbox, and WebDAV.

Below is a table summarizing the key compatibility features in Amplenote and Joplin:

Feature Amplenote Joplin
Import Formats Evernote, Plain Text Evernote, Markdown, Plain Text
Export Formats Markdown, HTML JEX, Raw Files, Markdown, PDF, HTML
Note-taking App Integration None None (Open API for custom integrations)
Operating Systems macOS, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS macOS, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS
Storage & Sync Options Amplenote Cloud Storage OneDrive, Dropbox, WebDAV

In conclusion, both Amplenote and Joplin provide a range of integration and compatibility options. However, Joplin offers more flexibility for note import-export formats, potential integration with other note-taking apps through its open API, and syncing through popular cloud storage services.

Content Import and Export

Amplenote and Joplin both provide seamless import and export options to meet the needs of their users. Each platform supports the ability to import content from other popular note-taking applications, such as Evernote. They also allow users to save their notes in various file formats to cater to specific user requirements.

Amplenote supports importing content via Markdown and Evernote’s ENEX format. Importing content from Evernote into Amplenote is as simple as exporting the Evernote notes in the ENEX format and importing the file directly into Amplenote. Amplenote also exports content in Markdown and allows users to add file attachments, which further enhances the platform’s usability.

Joplin, on the other hand, provides more extensive import options. Users can import content from Evernote, Markdown, Microsoft OneNote, CSV, or JSON formats. This wide range of options ensures that users can easily migrate their content from other note-taking applications. Additionally, Joplin offers a feature to export notes in multiple formats, including Markdown, PDF, HTML, and JEX (Joplin Export format).

Both Amplenote and Joplin offer file attachment capabilities, letting users store various file types alongside their notes. This feature makes it easier to keep all relevant information in one place.

One area where the two platforms differ is in optical character recognition (OCR) capabilities. Joplin currently doesn’t provide built-in OCR for scanning documents. Amplenote has not mentioned OCR capabilities on their platform as well.

In summary, both Amplenote and Joplin provide robust import and export options to ensure users can easily transition between note-taking platforms. The ability to add file attachments alongside notes, as well as compatibility with popular note-taking applications like Evernote, makes both solutions viable choices for those considering a new note-taking platform.

Writing and Editing Features

Amplenote and Joplin both offer strong writing and editing features to cater to your productivity needs. Each of them supports Markdown, enabling you to write and format your notes in a lightweight, personalized manner while maintaining a clean interface.

Amplenote boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making your writing experience smooth and efficient. It also includes features like rich footnotes, allowing you to add in-depth annotations without cluttering your main text. This is especially useful for detailed research or complex subjects.

On the other hand, Joplin offers enhanced Markdown support, which includes the ability to create tables and easily add multimedia elements to your notes. This combination of writing and editing tools allows Joplin users to create detailed and visually engaging content with ease.

Both applications enable you to organize your notes using tags and notebooks, streamlining your productivity and organization. It is worth mentioning that Joplin’s search capabilities are quite advanced, giving you the ability to search within your notes, tags, and text.

In summary, while both Amplenote and Joplin provide a range of writing and editing features to enhance your productivity, it is clear that Joplin prioritizes flexibility and advanced Markdown support, whereas Amplenote focuses on user-friendliness and streamlined annotation features. Here is a brief comparison table to showcase the differences in their writing and editing capabilities:

Feature Amplenote Joplin
Markdown Support Yes Yes
Rich Footnotes Yes No
Advanced Markdown No Yes
Tables No Yes
Multimedia Yes Yes
Organization Tags, Notebooks Tags, Notebooks
Search Basic Advanced

Choose the application that best aligns with your writing style and organizational needs to maximize your productivity.

Sync and Collaboration

Amplenote and Joplin both offer sync and collaboration features, yet they differ in their approach and capabilities.

Amplenote is primarily focused on real-time collaboration, making it easy for teams and individuals to work together on notes and tasks. The platform supports file attachments, and users can collaborate on a single note in various languages. To ensure seamless sharing, it is essential to sync to a cloud storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox.

On the other hand, Joplin is an open-source note-taking application designed for individuals rather than teams. It also supports file attachments and features multiple language support. However, real-time collaboration is not one of its core features. Syncing on Joplin can be done using a range of services such as Nextcloud, DropBox, WebDAV, or OneDrive.

Here’s a comparison table of key features in Amplenote and Joplin:

Feature Amplenote Joplin
Sync Google Drive, Dropbox Nextcloud, WebDAV, Dropbox, OneDrive
Collaboration Real-time Not supported
File Attachments Yes Yes
Open Source No Yes
Multiple Languages Yes Yes

In conclusion, if real-time collaboration and cloud sync options are important for your workflow, Amplenote may be a better fit. On the contrary, if you prefer an open-source alternative with basic sync features but no collaboration functionality, Joplin could be the ideal choice for you.

Task Management and Productivity

Amplenote and Joplin both offer a robust set of features for task management and productivity, catering to different user preferences.

In Amplenote, tasks can be easily created by using the to-do list feature, which allows users to add checkboxes with a simple markdown syntax. Subtasks can also be added by indenting tasks under parent tasks. Amplenote also integrates with your calendar, making it simple to keep track of your deadlines and appointments. Another unique feature of Amplenote is its Task Score, which helps prioritize tasks based on factors such as due date, value, and effort required to complete. The layout of the productivity app is user-friendly and adapts to different user preferences.

On the other hand, Joplin offers a more traditional task management system through its built-in task list in the form of notes. Tasks can be added in the form of to-do lists within notes, with the ability to add subtasks by creating nested checkboxes. While Joplin doesn’t have a dedicated calendar, users can integrate the app with external calendar tools like Google Calendar using webhooks. The layout of Joplin’s productivity app is also clean and simple, allowing for easier navigation and organization of tasks.

Amplenote and Joplin both support productivity-enhancing features like markdown formatting, search capabilities, and tagging. Here’s a summary table comparing the task management and productivity features of both applications:

Feature Amplenote Joplin
Calendar integration External integrations
To-do list
Task list
Task management
Task Score
Layout User-friendly Clean and simple
Productivity app

Both Amplenote and Joplin cater to users looking for a comprehensive task management and productivity tool. While Amplenote offers more advanced features like Task Score and calendar integration, Joplin might be preferred by users who enjoy a simple and straightforward approach to task organization.

Security and Privacy

Amplenote and Joplin prioritize the security and privacy of their users’ data. Both applications offer encryption options to protect your notes from unauthorized access.

Amplenote uses end-to-end encryption, ensuring that your notes remain encrypted both during transmission and while stored on their servers. Additionally, your encryption key is only available to you, making it impossible for even the Amplenote team to read your data. The platform also provides privacy-focused backlinking, enabling interconnected notes without compromising your privacy.

Joplin similarly offers end-to-end encryption but has a more decentralized approach to data storage. Joplin allows users to choose their storage service, such as Dropbox, OneDrive, or a private server. This flexibility gives users greater control over their data privacy. Joplin’s encryption process uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to guarantee the secure storage and syncing of your notes.

Application Encryption Storage Options Backlinking
Amplenote End-to-end Amplenote servers Privacy-focused
Joplin End-to-end (AES) User-selected service Standard backlinking

In conclusion, both Amplenote and Joplin prioritize security and privacy by offering end-to-end encryption. Amplenote has a privacy-focused backlinking system, while Joplin allows users to choose their storage service for increased data control. The choice between the two applications largely depends on your preferences for storage options and backlinking features.

Pricing and Platform Availability

Amplenote and Joplin are both popular note-taking apps, but they differ in pricing and platform availability. Let’s compare them in terms of cost and the devices they support.

Amplenote offers both free and premium accounts. The free plan includes basic features, while the premium plan starts at $4.99 per month and provides additional features like unlimited file storage and team collaboration. Amplenote is available on Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows platforms, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

Free Plan Premium Plan Platforms Supported
Amplenote Basic Features Starts at $4.99/month, includes unlimited file storage & team collaboration Android, iOS, macOS, Windows

On the other hand, Joplin is entirely free and open-source, so there are no premium plans or extra costs. The app supports syncing notes across devices using WebDAV or third-party services like Dropbox and OneDrive. Joplin is available on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Linux platforms, as well as the terminal (CLI) version for power users.

Cost Sync Method Platforms Supported
Joplin Free, Open-Source WebDAV, Dropbox, OneDrive Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, Linux, CLI

In summary, Amplenote and Joplin cater to different user needs in terms of pricing and platform availability. While Amplenote offers a premium option for those wanting extra features, Joplin remains a completely free, open-source solution. Both apps cover a wide range of platforms, allowing users to choose the best fit for their needs.

Mobile Apps and Experience

Amplenote and Joplin both offer mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, providing users with seamless note-taking experiences across multiple platforms.

Amplenote’s mobile apps have a clean and user-friendly interface, allowing users to create and edit notes efficiently. The app supports rich text formatting, including bold, italic, and various header styles. It also offers features like task management and note linking, which can be beneficial for users who want to organize their thoughts and tasks effectively. On the other hand, Amplenote’s mobile app does not support markdown, which might be a drawback for some users.

Joplin’s mobile apps focus on providing a powerful markdown editor with support for offline access, ensuring users can create and edit notes even without an internet connection. The apps are open-source, allowing users to customize their experience as needed. Joplin’s mobile apps also feature encryption, which adds an extra layer of security for users concerned about their privacy.

Here’s a comparison table highlighting the key features of bothAmplenote and Joplin’s mobile apps:

Feature Amplenote Joplin
iOS/Android Supported Supported
Rich Text Formatting Available Markdown Only
Offline Support Limited Extensive
Encryption Not Available Available
Open Source No Yes

In terms of mobile experience, both Amplenote and Joplin bring unique strengths to the table. While Amplenote offers a visually appealing and user-friendly interface with rich text formatting, Joplin’s focus on markdown, offline support, and encryption cater to users who prioritize flexibility and security.

User Reviews and Feedback

AmpleNote and Joplin both have their own dedicated user bases who have shared their experiences and feedback on various platforms, including Twitter and app stores.

On Twitter, AmpleNote users have mentioned appreciating the app’s features for its integration with task management and calendar functionalities. Users also recognize the smooth note-taking experience and the clean user interface. However, some users expressed a desire for better mobile app compatibility.

Joplin, on the other hand, has a steady following of users who praise its open-source nature and extensive customization options. They particularly like the ability to sync notes across multiple devices and platforms. However, some users have reported slower syncing times and occasional glitches when accessing notes on multiple devices.

In the app stores, AmpleNote has received positive feedback for its seamless integration of task management and note-taking, with users praising its ease of use and well-designed interface. Some users have requested improvements to the mobile app, such as offline capabilities and improved navigation.

Joplin has received positive reviews in the app stores for its flexibility, security, and open-source development, with many users appreciating the app’s regular updates and improvements. Some of the negative feedback has been focused on occasional syncing issues and a more complex setup process compared to other note-taking apps.

Creating a table of some data collected from user reviews:

Aspect AmpleNote Joplin
Task Management Highly Praised Not a Main Focus
Syncing Good Occasional Issues
Mobile App Room for Improvement Generally Satisfactory
User Interface Clean & Intuitive Customizable
Open-Source No Yes

Although both AmpleNote and Joplin have their own pros and cons according to user reviews and feedback, it’s clear that they cater to slightly different audiences. AmpleNote excels in task management and note-taking integration, while Joplin provides an open-source, customizable alternative for users who prioritize flexibility and security. Depending on individual preferences and use cases, users may find one app more suited to their needs than the other.

Amplenote vs Joplin Extras

Amplenote and Joplin are both capable note-taking apps that offer an array of features for their users. One way to distinguish them is by examining the additional functionalities, integrations, and resources available for each.

Amplenote stands out with several extras that make note-taking a seamless experience. It offers a rich text editor that supports tables, checklists, and images, ensuring a visually appealing and well-structured notes organization. Furthermore, videos can be embedded directly within notes to provide a more comprehensive view on certain topics, enhancing the overall user experience. There are numerous tutorials, demos, and screenshots available on their website, which serve as valuable resources for users looking to navigate through Amplenote’s features.

On the other hand, Joplin’s primary focus is on offering a secured and efficient note-taking experience. Its open-source nature attracts many users seeking a customizable and transparent solution. Joplin has a strong community that contributes to its development, enriching the app with new features and improvements. You can find an extensive collection of videos, screenshots, and tutorials on Joplin’s official website, which provide users with a detailed understanding of how to maximize the app’s potential. Additionally, Joplin supports end-to-end encryption out of the box for protecting users’ sensitive information stored in the app.

To better illustrate the differences between these two apps, the following table highlights some key aspects of each:

Feature Amplenote Joplin
Editor Rich text editor Markdown editor
Extras Videos, Tutorials Videos, Tutorials
Encryption Not built-in End-to-end encryption

In summary, Amplenote excels in offering a visually rich and intuitive platform for note-taking while Joplin shines in terms of security and customization options, thanks to its open-source nature. Both apps provide extensive resources such as videos, tutorials, and screenshots to assist users in learning about the various functionalities available. Your choice between Amplenote and Joplin will ultimately depend on your personal preferences and priorities regarding note-taking, security, and app customization.


When considering note-taking apps, there are various alternatives to AmpleNote and Joplin. Some popular options include Evernote, OneNote, Notion, Bear, Simplenote, Standard Notes, Google Keep, and Moleskine.

Evernote is an established cross-platform note-taking app that offers rich text formatting, web clipping, and a wide range of integrations. However, its more advanced features come with a paid subscription.

OneNote is Microsoft’s free note-taking app that comes with a vast array of features and a hierarchical structure for organizing notes. It integrates well with other Microsoft Office applications, but some users find it less intuitive than other options.

Notion is a comprehensive tool that combines note-taking, task management, and collaboration features. It’s highly customizable and offers a unique block-based structure for organizing information. On the downside, its complex features might make it overwhelming for new users.

Bear is an elegant and minimalistic note-taking app designed for Mac and iOS devices. With its clean interface and powerful Markdown support, it’s a favorite among writers and developers. However, it currently lacks a native Windows or Android app.

Simplenote is a lightweight and straightforward app that focuses on simple text notes. Syncing across devices is seamless, and it’s available on all major platforms. Its simplicity, however, means it lacks some advanced features offered by competitors.

Standard Notes emphasizes privacy and security, offering end-to-end encryption for your notes. It supports various platforms and provides extensions for customization, but most of these require a paid subscription.

Google Keep is a user-friendly app that integrates with the Google ecosystem. It supports quick notes, lists, reminders, and even drawings. While it’s excellent for basic note-taking, it may lack more advanced features needed by some users.

Moleskine is a well-known brand for physical notebooks, and its digital app, Moleskine Journey, aims to provide a similar experience. It includes note-taking, planning, and tracking functionalities but is limited to iOS and Android platforms.

App Cross-platform Rich Text Collaboration Privacy
Evernote Yes Yes Yes No
OneNote Yes Yes Yes No
Notion Yes Yes Yes No
Bear No (Mac/iOS only) Yes No No
Simplenote Yes No No No
Standard Notes Yes Yes No Yes
Google Keep Yes No Yes No
Moleskine No (iOS/Android only) Yes No No

In summary, each of these note-taking apps comes with its own set of features, strengths, and weaknesses. While some focus on simplicity and ease of use, others offer more advanced features. Choosing the right alternative depends on your specific needs and priorities.


Amplenote and Joplin are both powerful note-taking applications that cater to the diverse needs of users. While they share some common features, such as Markdown support and file synchronization, there are a few distinct differences that may sway users in favor of one application over the other.

Amplenote offers a more comprehensive set of features, such as task management, rich text formatting, and bi-directional linking. This makes it a great choice for users who require more functionality from their note-taking app. On the other hand, Joplin is an open-source alternative that focuses on simplicity and privacy, offering end-to-end encryption for your data. This can be particularly appealing to users who prioritize security and prefer a straightforward note-taking experience.

Both applications provide useful integrations with popular cloud storage services, allowing for seamless synchronization across devices. However, the extent of these integrations may vary, with Amplenote typically offering deeper connectivity with its supported platforms.

In terms of usability, Amplenote’s interface is more polished and modern, while Joplin has a minimalist design that some users may find less visually appealing. This is ultimately a matter of personal preference and should be considered when choosing between the two apps.

To help you make an informed decision, provided below is a comparison table highlighting the key features and differences between Amplenote and Joplin:

Feature Amplenote Joplin
Markdown Support Yes Yes
Task Management Yes Limited
Bi-directional Linking Yes No
Rich Text Formatting Yes No
Integrations Multiple cloud storage services Multiple cloud storage services
End-to-end Encryption No Yes
Open Source No Yes

In summary, both Amplenote and Joplin cater to unique user needs and requirements. Consider the specific features that align with your priorities when deciding which application is best suited for your note-taking and productivity needs.