Amplenote vs Todoist: A Comprehensive Comparison

When it comes to finding the perfect task management app, today’s market offers a plethora of options. Two such notable apps are Amplenote and Todoist, each equipped with an impressive range of features to help navigate daily tasks and long-term projects. As users find themselves constantly juggling various responsibilities, choosing the right tool can make all the difference in optimizing productivity and staying organized.

Amplenote is an all-in-one note-taking and task management app that seamlessly integrates the creation, planning, and completion of your tasks. With its focus on linking tasks to notes, Amplenote provides more context to your to-dos, enabling a better understanding of the work you need to do. Todoist, on the other hand, is a dedicated task management tool with a simple interface, allowing users to quickly add, schedule, and organize tasks using natural language input. The app excels in providing a distraction-free experience prioritizing the execution of tasks.

While both tools cater to a variety of needs, understanding their core features and strengths helps determine which application aligns best with your personal workflow preferences. Throughout this article, we’ll dive deeper into the capabilities of each app, so you can make an informed decision when choosing the right fit for your task management requirements.

Amplenote vs Todoist Overview

Amplenote and Todoist are two popular productivity apps with different approaches to task management and note-taking. They cater to different user preferences and needs, making it essential to understand their features and capabilities.

Amplenote is a versatile productivity app that combines task management, note-taking, and collaboration features. It allows users to create and manage tasks, take rich-text notes, and sync across multiple devices. With a focus on linking tasks, notes, and ideas, Amplenote encourages users to plan their work based on past accomplishments and future goals. This app is ideal for users looking for an all-in-one solution to manage their personal and professional lives.

On the other hand, Todoist is a dedicated task management app designed for organizing and prioritizing tasks and projects. Todoist offers an intuitive interface and powerful features such as filters, tags, and collaboration options. With the ability to integrate with various other applications, it is widely popular among users who require a straightforward task management tool.

Here is a comparison table of some of their notable features:

Feature Amplenote Todoist
Task Management ✔️ ✔️
Note-taking ✔️
Collaboration ✔️ ✔️
Multiple Device Sync ✔️ ✔️
Integrations Limited ✔️

When considering which app to choose for your productivity needs, it is essential to evaluate your requirements. Although Amplenote provides an all-in-one solution with note-taking and task management, some users might prefer the dedicated focus and extensive integration options Todoist offers for task management.

Task Management Features

Tasks and Priorities

In both AmpleNote and Todoist, tasks can be quickly created and easily organized. AmpleNote offers a Four Quadrant prioritization system which allows you to sort tasks based on importance and urgency. On the other hand, Todoist provides priorities using 1, 2, 3, or 4 levels of urgency, symbolized by different colors.


AmpleNote introduces Projects as a collection of tasks, where you can group related items together, add a due date, and track progress. Similarly, Todoist supports organizing tasks into projects and even sub-projects, which allows for better organization and greater visibility on project status.

Recurring Tasks

To handle repeating activities, both AmpleNote and Todoist offer recurring task options. In AmpleNote, you can schedule recurring tasks by selecting an appropriate interval (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) and clicking the repeat icon on the task options. Todoist also supports recurring tasks, using a natural language syntax to create the recurrence (e.g., “every week”, “every 3 days”, etc.).

Due Dates and Scheduling

When it comes to scheduling tasks, AmpleNote and Todoist handle it differently. In AmpleNote, you can add tasks to your calendar with a simple drag and drop. Todoist, on the other hand, offers multiple ways to schedule tasks: quick scheduling options, calendar integrations (e.g., Google Calendar), and using natural language input to parse the due date.

Feature AmpleNote Todoist
Tasks and Priorities Four Quadrant prioritization based on importance 1-4 level color-coded priorities
Projects Projects with due dates and progress tracking Projects and sub-projects
Recurring Tasks Interval-based recurring tasks Natural language syntax for creating recurring tasks
Due Dates and Scheduling Drag and drop to calendar Quick scheduling options, calendar integrations, natural language input

Notes and Organization

Notes and Tags

In Amplenote, notes are organized using a simple tagging system. This allows you to assign multiple tags to a single note, making it easy to categorize and search for them later. This tagging system is quite similar to what you’d find in Evernote and Notion. On the other hand, Todoist mainly focuses on tasks and does not have a dedicated tagging system for notes.


Backlinking is a powerful feature that enables linking between related content. Amplenote takes inspiration from tools like Roam Research and Obsidian when it comes to backlinking. Simply type [[ followed by the note title, and Amplenote will create a link, allowing you to easily navigate between related notes. This is particularly useful for setting up a personal knowledge base or a wiki-like structure.

Contrarily, Todoist does not support backlinking as their focus remains on task organization and management.


Templates are a convenient way to save time and maintain consistency when creating recurring content. Amplenote offers an easy-to-use system for creating and applying templates to new notes. However, it’s not as comprehensive as that of Notion, which provides multiple template types and lets you create databases with predefined structure.

In Todoist, templates are only available for projects and not specifically for notes. You can export and import projects as templates, but this functionality is limited compared to Amplenote’s note-specific templates.

Feature Amplenote Todoist
Notes & Tags
Templates (Note-based)
Templates (Project-based)

In conclusion, when it comes to Notes and Organization, Amplenote offers a versatile tagging system, backlinking, and note templates, while Todoist focuses more on tasks and only provides project templates.

Integration and Compatibility

When comparing AmpleNote with Todoist, it is essential to examine how well they integrate with other commonly used tools and platforms. In this section, we will look at their compatibility with calendars and email applications.

Calendar Integration

AmpleNote and Todoist both support integration with popular calendar applications such as Google Calendar and Apple Calendar. This enables users to sync their tasks and events with their preferred calendar for seamless planning and scheduling.


  • Supports integration with Google Calendar
  • Can sync tasks with specific deadlines to the calendar


  • Supports integration with both Google Calendar and Apple Calendar
  • Syncs tasks with due dates to the calendar

Email Integration

Email integration is crucial for many users, as it allows for better organization and management of tasks straight from their inbox. Here, we will compare AmpleNote’s and Todoist’s compatibility with Gmail and Outlook.


  • Offers Gmail integration for users with a Google Account
  • Tasks can be created directly from emails
  • Gmail extension available for easy access to notes and tasks while using Gmail


  • Provides integration with both Gmail and Outlook
  • Tasks can be created from emails in both platforms
  • Browser extensions available for Gmail and Outlook for quick task management within the email application
Integration AmpleNote Todoist
Google Calendar  ✓  ✓
Apple Calendar  ✓
Gmail  ✓  ✓
Outlook  ✓
Browser Extensions Gmail Gmail, Outlook

In summary, both AmpleNote and Todoist offer integration and compatibility with popular calendar and email applications. Todoist appears to have a slight edge in terms of compatibility, as it offers integration with a broader range of tools, including Apple Calendar and Outlook.

Mobile and Desktop Applications

Amplenote and Todoist both offer various applications to cater to the needs of their users. In this section, we’ll discuss their iOS and Android Apps, Mac and Web Apps, and Progressive Web Apps (PWA).

iOS and Android Apps

Both Amplenote and Todoist have dedicated mobile apps for iOS and Android devices. These apps provide a seamless experience for users who want to manage their tasks and take notes on the go. The user interfaces are clean and easy to navigate, with essential features available on both platforms. Additionally, both apps offer offline capabilities, ensuring that users can access their data without an active internet connection.

Mac and Web Apps

Amplenote and Todoist also offer applications for Mac and web users. The Mac apps provide a native experience for users who prefer to work on their notes and tasks via a desktop application, with traditional menus and shortcuts. The web apps, on the other hand, can be accessed through popular web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, providing flexibility for users who want to use these tools on different devices or operating systems.


Amplenote and Todoist utilize Progressive Web Apps (PWA) technology, which means users can install their web apps on their devices for a more native-like experience. PWA includes features like offline access and push notifications. Users can install the PWA versions of Amplenote and Todoist on their devices through their respective web apps.

Feature Amplenote Todoist
iOS App Yes Yes
Android App Yes Yes
Mac App Yes Yes
Web App Yes Yes
Progressive Web App Yes Yes

Additional Features

Eisenhower Matrix

Amplenote offers the Eisenhower Matrix feature, a productivity technique that helps you prioritize tasks into four categories: urgent & important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and not urgent & not important. By visually separating tasks, users can make better decisions about which tasks to focus on first. Todoist, on the other hand, allows users to set priorities for tasks but does not provide an integrated Eisenhower Matrix.

Idea Execution Funnel

In Amplenote, the Idea Execution Funnel is a unique feature designed to help users turn their ideas into actionable tasks. It supports capturing and refining ideas, setting goals, and breaking them down into tasks. Todoist focuses more on managing tasks and projects rather than providing a dedicated space for idea development.

Pomodoro Timer

While both Amplenote and Todoist can integrate with external Pomodoro timer apps, neither of them has a built-in Pomodoro Timer feature. Users will need to rely on third-party apps or browser extensions to utilize the Pomodoro Technique for time management alongside these tools.

Task Score

Amplenote has a Task Score feature that assigns a numerical value to tasks based on their urgency, importance, and effort required. This scoring system enables users to prioritize tasks effectively and make informed decisions about their to-do lists. Todoist does not have a similar feature, but it does allow users to manually set priority levels for tasks.


Both Amplenote and Todoist provide the ability to use Labels. In Amplenote, labels help categorize tasks and make them easily searchable, while in Todoist, labels can be used for categorizing tasks and filtering the to-do list. Using labels, users can group tasks by context, client, project, or any other criteria that suit their workflow.

Feature Amplenote Todoist
Eisenhower Matrix Yes No
Idea Execution Funnel Yes No
Pomodoro Timer No No
Task Score Yes No
Labels Yes Yes

Comparisons with Other Apps

Amplenote vs Notion

Amplenote and Notion are both note-taking and task management applications. While Amplenote focuses on combining notes with tasks, Notion is a more versatile tool that allows users to create databases, kanban boards, and wikis. Notion is known for its flexibility and customization but can have a steeper learning curve compared to Amplenote. Amplenote, on the other hand, offers a more focused note-taking experience, providing features such as linked and rich footnotes, a bidirectional linking system, and a task management system that supports both plain text and advanced features like task priority and scheduling.

Todoist vs Things

Both Todoist and Things are popular task management applications. Todoist is known for its cross-platform availability and simplicity, while Things is an Apple-exclusive app with a clean, minimalist design. Todoist offers features such as natural language processing for task entry, collaboration, and integration with third-party services like Google Calendar. In contrast, Things focuses on personal productivity and organization with its intuitive user interface and features like projects, areas, and tags.

Todoist vs TickTick

Todoist and TickTick are both task management applications with similar core features, such as task scheduling, reminders, and priority levels. However, TickTick also includes a built-in Pomodoro timer, habit tracker, and calendar view, providing users with a more comprehensive productivity system. Additionally, TickTick offers a kanban board feature, while Todoist relies on third-party integrations like Trello to provide similar functionality.

Amplenote vs Evernote

While both Amplenote and Evernote are primarily note-taking apps, they target different user needs. Amplenote provides task management integration within its note-taking platform, including linked notes, bidirectional linking, and task prioritization. Evernote, on the other hand, focuses on document and web clipping storage, offering features like OCR search and a web clipper tool. Evernote is well suited for users who require robust storage and search capabilities, while Amplenote caters to those seeking an extensive note-taking and task management tool.

Amplenote vs Roam

Both Amplenote and Roam Research provide note-taking applications with bidirectional linking, which allows users to create a knowledge graph. However, Roam focuses more on the interconnected nature of information and ideas, offering features like block references and transclusions. Amplenote takes a more traditional approach to note-taking, with added benefits like task management and rich footnotes. Roam is ideal for users interested in creating a network of knowledge, whereas Amplenote caters to those who desire a task-focused note-taking experience.

Business Strategy and Pricing Plans

Amplenote and Todoist focus on providing a range of features for users to manage their tasks and notes effectively. Both tools cater to different users’ needs and preferences with varied pricing plans and options.

Free Plan

Amplenote: The free plan caters to users who need a basic note-taking and task management solution. This plan offers limited access to features like rich text editing, note linking, and task management with task boards.

Todoist: Todoist’s free plan provides core features such as task management, recurring tasks, and collaboration with up to five projects. Users can create sub-tasks and set priorities within their projects, providing a basic yet functional task management experience.

Paid Plans

Amplenote: Amplenote offers two tiers of paid plans: the Pro Plan costs $10/month (billed annually) and the Ultra Plan, which costs $20/month (billed annually). The Pro Plan includes features like unlimited access to task boards, advanced search, note history, a calendar view, and more. The Ultra Plan adds premium features like offline access, priority support, and limitless versions history.

Plan Price/mo billed annually Task Boards Advanced Search Calendar View Offline Access Priority Support Versions History
Pro Plan $10 Unlimited Yes Yes No No Limited
Ultra Plan $20 Unlimited Yes Yes Yes Yes Unlimited

Todoist: Todoist provides two paid plans: Premium and Business, priced at $4/month (billed annually) and $6/user per month (billed annually) respectively. While the Premium plan offers features like reminders, comments, attachments, and productivity trends, the Business plan is tailored to larger teams with admin tools, priority support, and centralized billing.

Plan Price/mo billed annually Reminders Comments Attachments Admin Tools Priority Support Centralized Billing
Premium $4 Yes Yes Yes No No No
Business $6/user Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Both Amplenote and Todoist offer flexible pricing options, depending on the users’ needs and requirements. While Amplenote focuses on integrating notes and tasks in a single platform, Todoist primarily targets task management and collaboration scenarios.

Pros and Cons

Amplenote Pros and Cons

Amplenote Pros:

Amplenote Cons:

  • Limited integrations: Compared to competitors like Todoist, Amplenote has fewer app integrations, which may limit its functionality for some users.
  • Pricing: While Amplenote offers a free plan, its paid plans can be more expensive compared to other note-taking and task management platforms.

Todoist Pros and Cons

Todoist Pros:

  • Simplicity: Todoist has an easy-to-use interface that focuses on quickly adding and organizing tasks without overwhelming users with unnecessary features.
  • Various platforms: Todoist is available on multiple devices and platforms, ensuring seamless cross-platform synchronization and access.
  • Integrations: Todoist supports an extensive list of app integrations, including popular options like Google Calendar, Slack, and Evernote.

Todoist Cons:

  • Limited note-taking capabilities: Todoist primarily focuses on task management, and its note-taking functionalities may not be as robust as those offered by dedicated note-taking applications like Amplenote.
  • Missing advanced features: Some users may find Todoist’s feature set limited, particularly if they are looking for more advanced task management tools, like Gantt charts or dependencies.
Feature Amplenote Todoist
Task Management Yes Yes
Rich Text Editor Yes No
App Integrations Limited Extensive
Cross-platform Yes Yes
Free Plan Yes Yes


Amplenote and Todoist are two popular task management and note-taking tools. They cater to different user requirements, with Amplenote being more focused on note-taking and Todoist on task management.

Amplenote features powerful note-taking capabilities with its Rich Footnotes, bidirectional linking, and versatile features for organizing notes. It is an excellent choice for users who prioritize connecting ideas and managing notes. Todoist, on the other hand, excels in task management with its user-friendly interface, powerful sorting and filtering options, and seamless collaboration options. It is an ideal choice for individuals and teams looking to plan and track their work effectively.

It’s important to consider the pricing models of both tools. Amplenote offers a free plan with basic features, while its paid plan includes additional functionality such as advanced search and priority support. Todoist also has a free plan, but its premium features are better suited for team collaboration and delegating tasks.

Choosing between Amplenote and Todoist will ultimately come down to individual needs. If note-taking and idea organization are the primary focus, Amplenote’s rich features and flexible organization may be more beneficial. However, if efficient task management and team collaboration are essential aspects of one’s workflow, Todoist’s robust task management capabilities might be the better option.

The table below summarizes key features for comparison:

Feature Amplenote Todoist
Focus Note-taking Task management
Rich Footnotes Yes No
Bidirectional Linking Yes No
Collaboration Basic Advanced
Pricing Free + Paid plan Free + Paid plans

In conclusion, both Amplenote and Todoist have their unique strengths and weaknesses. It’s essential to identify personal or team requirements to choose the best tool that helps to manage tasks and notes effectively.