How to Use Evernote for Habit Tracker: A Comprehensive Guide

Evernote is a powerful productivity tool that offers various features for organizing and managing daily tasks. One often-overlooked feature is its potential to serve as a habit tracker. By leveraging Evernote’s note-taking capabilities, users can create custom habit tracking systems tailored to their individual needs and preferences.

To get started, users can create a dedicated notebook within Evernote for habit tracking. Inside this notebook, they can craft individual notes for each habit they wish to track. These notes can include checkboxes, written reflections, or even multimedia attachments, depending on the user’s requirements. By integrating Evernote’s reminder and tagging functionalities, habit tracking becomes both streamlined and manageable.

As users progress, they can easily monitor and adjust their habits, as Evernote’s flexibility allows for effortless reorganization and updating. This adaptability makes it a suitable choice for those looking to develop new routines or maintain existing ones. With Evernote, users will have a customizable and versatile habit tracking solution at their fingertips.

Getting Started with Evernote

Evernote is a powerful and versatile tool that can help you create an efficient habit tracker. To start, download the Evernote app from the App Store or Google Play Store, and create an account if you don’t already have one.

The first step in setting up a habit tracker with Evernote is to create a new note. Give it a title, such as “Habit Tracker” or “Daily Habit Journal,” that clearly indicates its purpose. You can organize this note within a designated notebook, like “Productivity,” to keep it separate from your other notes.

In this note, create a table with one row and multiple columns, where each column represents a specific habit you want to track. For example, you can include columns for habits like:

  • Daily exercise
  • Reading
  • Drinking water
  • Meditation

Be sure to leave one extra column at the end of your table for dates, which you’ll use to fill in the days when you complete each habit. In addition to filling in cells for dates, you can also use additional formatting options such as bold, underline, or strikethrough to visually emphasize your progress.

To track your habits daily, simply update the cells in the table with the date when a habit is completed. Alternatively, you can use a checkmark or other symbol to indicate completion. As you continue to log your habits, the table will provide a comprehensive overview of your progress over time.

Evernote’s reminder feature can also be useful when building habits. Set up reminders for specific habits in the app, and you’ll receive notifications on your phone when it’s time to take action. This helps ensure you don’t forget to work on your goals regularly.

In addition to tracking habits, Evernote offers other features that can support your productivity journey. For instance, you can create separate notes or notebooks for your journaling practice, to-do lists, or project management. Evernote’s search functionality allows you to quickly find information when you need it, making it a valuable resource for staying organized and focused.

By following these simple steps, you can create a customizable and efficient habit tracker using Evernote. With its user-friendly interface and versatile functionality, it’s an excellent tool for fostering productivity and developing lasting habits.

Creating a Custom Habit Tracker Template

Evernote is a versatile tool that can be used for creating a habit tracker to help you monitor your daily goals and activities. In this section, we will walk you through the process of setting up a custom habit tracker template in Evernote, covering the basic template components.

Basic Template Components

  1. Heading: Start by creating a bold header for your habit tracker. This can be something simple like “Habit Tracker” or more specific, such as “Fitness Goals.”

  2. Date: Next, add a space for tracking the date. This is essential for keeping track of your progress over time. In Evernote, you can use a simple text field or a date picker to insert the date.

  3. Habits to Track: List down all the habits you want to track. Ensure that these habits are specific, measurable, and achievable. For example:

    • Drink 8 glasses of water daily
    • Exercise for 30 minutes
    • Read for 20 minutes
  4. Goal/Progress Columns: Create columns where you can log your progress or completion of each habit. You can use checkboxes, numeric fields, or even a color-coded system for this purpose.

  5. Notes: Include a section for taking notes or recording any observations about your progress. This can be helpful for identifying patterns or areas where you need to improve.

Here’s an example of how your custom habit tracker template could look like:

Habit Goal Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Notes
Drink 8 glasses of water 8 glasses daily [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Exercise for 30 minutes 30 minutes daily [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Read for 20 minutes 20 minutes daily [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

Following the steps and template components above, you can create an effective habit tracker in Evernote to help you stay on top of your goals and achieve personal growth.

Using Evernote for Different Types of Habits

Evernote is a versatile tool that can help you track different types of habits, such as daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly habits. By organizing your notes and creating custom tags and notebooks, you can easily monitor your progress and maintain good habits in various aspects of life, such as exercise, meetings, travel, goal setting, mental health, and emotions.

Daily Habits

To track your daily habits, create a notebook in Evernote titled “Daily Habits.” Within this notebook, you can create individual notes for each habit, such as exercise, mental health, or emotions. For example:

  • Exercise: Create a note for your daily workouts, including details like the type of workout, duration, and any progress notes.
  • Mental Health: Create a note for daily journaling, meditation, or gratitude lists to help improve your mental wellbeing.
  • Emotions: Create a note to record your daily emotions and any triggers or events that may have influenced them.

Use tags to categorize these habits and easily search for them in Evernote.

Weekly Habits

For weekly habits, create a “Weekly Habits” notebook, containing notes for tasks like goal setting and meetings. For example:

  • Goal Setting: Create a note for your weekly goals and action plans, along with a checklist to track completion.
  • Meetings: Create a note for your weekly meetings and appointments, including agendas, minutes, and follow-up tasks.

Monthly Habits

In a “Monthly Habits” notebook, track habits and tasks that occur on a monthly basis, such as travel plans and larger goal setting. For instance:

  • Travel: Create a note for your upcoming trips, with details like itineraries, packing lists, and important documents.
  • Goal Setting: Review and update your monthly goals, noting progress and adjusting plans as needed.

Yearly Habits

Lastly, a “Yearly Habits” notebook can help monitor your annual progress and long-term goals. For example:

  • Goal Setting: Reflect on your major achievements in the past year and set goals for the upcoming year.
  • Good Habits: Review your daily, weekly, and monthly habits to see your progress and identify areas for improvement.

By utilizing Evernote as a habit tracker for daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly habits, you can ensure a systematic approach toward self-improvement, goal achievement, and overall well-being.

Organizing and Prioritizing Habits

Evernote can be an effective tool for habit tracking by organizing and prioritizing your habits. With proper organization, you can easily monitor your progress, set priorities, and make informed decisions about where to focus your energy.

Using Tags and Context

Tags are a powerful feature in Evernote that allows you to add context to your notes. For habit tracking, you can create tags for various categories such as habits related to health, personal development, or financial goals. To create a tag, simply add the tag symbol (#) followed by the tag name (e.g., #health) to your notes. By using tags, you can quickly filter your habits and focus on specific areas where improvements can be made. For example, you can filter all the habits related to your health and see your progress in that area.

Additionally, Evernote allows you to create a dashboard to visually represent your progress and priorities through a combination of text, tables, and images. It could be useful to place tags on your dashboard, allowing you to easily click a tag and be presented with a filtered list of habits.

Sorting and Grouping Habits

Effective habit tracking requires you to prioritize your habits and make sense of the data you collect. One approach to organizing habits in Evernote is by leveraging the search and sorting capabilities available in the platform.

You can create a note for each habit and add relevant information such as frequency, start date, and progress. Then, use the “sort by” feature to arrange your habits based on different criteria such as the date it was created, its completion rate, or alphabetical order. This allows you to quickly identify the habits that need your immediate attention or those that are progressing smoothly.

Grouping habits together can also be useful. You can create separate notebooks for different areas of your life such as work, relationships, or personal interests. By doing this, you can easily switch between notebooks to focus on specific habits in different contexts.

In order to better illustrate your progress, you may create a table with habit data collected from each section. Keep it simple by including habit name, start date, frequency, and progress. Here is an example:

Habit Name Start Date Frequency Progress (%)
Meditation 01/01/2023 Daily 75
Exercise 02/01/2023 3 times/week 90

In summary, Evernote can be an excellent choice for organizing and prioritizing habits through features such as tags, context, sorting, grouping, and tables.

Staying Motivated with Evernote

Evernote can be a valuable tool for tracking your habits and staying motivated. By keeping a journal of your progress, you can identify patterns and celebrate small victories. In this section, we will discuss how to use Evernote efficiently for habit tracking and staying motivated.

Tracking Progress and Success

One of the key aspects of staying motivated is consistency. By tracking your habits in Evernote, you can create a sense of accountability and reinforce your commitment to change. This can be done by creating a simple habit-tracking journal in the app. For instance, Evernote’s note-taking and organization features make it easy to keep track of important milestones and review them regularly.

James Clear, author of “Atomic Habits”, emphasizes the importance of visual cues and reward systems for habit formation. With Evernote, you can incorporate these elements into your habit tracking routine. To do this, you can use:

  • Checkboxes to mark completed habits
  • Color coding for different habit categories
  • Tags that describe the habit’s stage (e.g., “on track” or “under progress”)

Keeping a habit journal in Evernote allows you to analyze your progress over time and identify areas of improvement. For instance, you can create a simple table summarizing your weekly habit completion rates:

Week Habit 1 Habit 2 Habit 3
1 80% 60% 70%
2 85% 75% 80%

Dealing with Setbacks

Setbacks are inevitable when trying to form new habits. However, having a clear system and the right mindset can help you tackle them effectively. Here’s how Evernote can help:

  • Reflection: Use Evernote as a journal to express your thoughts and emotions regarding setbacks. By putting your feelings into words, you gain clarity and a better understanding of the situation.
  • Evaluation: Analyze your Evernote habit tracker to identify patterns and trends. Determine if there’s a specific time, place, or trigger that causes setbacks. This allows you to adjust your strategy and avoid potential pitfalls.
  • Encouragement: Return to your habit tracker and remind yourself of your successes. By focusing on your accomplishments, you build the confidence and motivation to keep going.

Remember, resilience is key to success. By using Evernote to track your progress and navigate setbacks, you can stay motivated and achieve your goals one habit at a time.

Tips for Better Habit Tracking in Evernote

Setting Reminders

Getting into the habit of tracking your habits can be difficult without proper triggers. A great way to get started is by setting reminders in Evernote. To set a reminder for a specific note, open the note and click on the alarm clock icon. You can then choose the exact date and time for the reminder. Setting these reminders can help you manage your task list and keep your habits sorted.

Using Web Clips and Images

Evernote allows you to clip web content and add images directly into your notes. This powerful feature can help you stay motivated and make your habit tracking more visually appealing. For example, if you are trying to eat healthier, you can add images of healthy meals and recipes to your notes. To do this, simply use the Evernote Web Clipper extension on your browser or use the Evernote app to take a photo or choose from the gallery to add to your note. This will serve as an effective visual reminder of your goals.

Check Off Tasks and Assign Checklists

Organizing and managing your task list can be easily done with Evernote’s checklists feature. To create a checklist within a note, click on the checkbox icon in the toolbar. This will add a checkable box to your note. You can then write your tasks next to these checkboxes. As you complete each task, you can check off the box, keeping your note list tidy and organized.

Feature How to Use Benefits
Reminders Click the alarm clock icon Manage tasks, stay on track
Web Clips Use Evernote Web Clipper Visual motivation, clear goals
Checklists Click the checkbox icon Organize tasks, easy navigation

Using Evernote’s variety of features like setting reminders, clipping web content, and creating checklists can greatly enhance your habit tracking experience. Implementing these tips can help you stay organized, manage your tasks more effectively, and maintain a clear path towards achieving your goals.

Additional Uses for Evernote

Maintaining a Daily Planner

Evernote is an excellent tool for organizing your day-to-day activities. You can create a daily planner by making a new note for each day and listing out your tasks, appointments, and reminders. With features like checklists and tables, you can easily organize your daily schedule and stay on track with your to-dos. Additionally, you can create tags or use notebooks to keep track of specific topics such as shopping lists, grocery lists, or business goals, making your daily planner even more efficient.

Managing Meeting Notes

Efficiently handle your meeting notes with Evernote. You can create a new note for each meeting and include important details like the date, attendees, and agenda. During the meeting, you can quickly jot down key points, decisions, and action items. Use bold or italic text to highlight crucial elements, and even add audio recordings as needed. Later, you can easily search for specific meeting notes using keywords or tags to quickly find the information you’re looking for.

Meeting Date Attendees Agenda Action Items
July 10, 2023 Jane, Joe Project Goals Assign tasks
July 12, 2023 Tim, Sarah Budget Review Update Budget

Storing Character Profiles

For writers and creative professionals, Evernote can be used to store and organize character profiles. In a new note, you can include information such as physical descriptions, personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and character histories. Use headings and bullet points to clearly format your character profiles, making it easy for you to reference them while working on your projects.

  • Character Name: John Doe
  • Physical Description: Tall, short brown hair, blue eyes
  • Strengths: Intelligent, loyal
  • Weaknesses: Stubborn, introverted

Book Lists

Evernote can also help you keep track of your reading habits by maintaining an organized book list. Create a new note and use a table to list your books, including the title, author, and a brief review. You can keep track of books you’d like to read, books you’ve already read, and even add a column for the date you finished each book. This makes it easy to refer back to your list and find recommendations or remember which books you’ve enjoyed most.

Title Author Review Date Finished
Book Title 1 Author Name 1 Insightful and thought-provoking June 10, 2023
Book Title 2 Author Name 2 Engaging narrative and characters June 20, 2023


Using Evernote as a habit tracker can be a practical and efficient way to monitor your daily routines and progress towards goals. By setting up notes and notebooks to represent your habits and objectives, you can create a structured system to keep track of your accomplishments.

One of the primary benefits of using Evernote for habit tracking is its availability on multiple platforms, making it convenient for you to access and update your information anytime, anywhere. Additionally, the tagging and search functionality makes it easy to organize and categorize your habits, enabling you to monitor your progress over time effectively.

Creating templates for your habit tracking can further streamline the process by providing a consistent format to follow. Customizable checkboxes and reminders can help you stay on track and stay motivated towards achieving your goals.

Incorporating Evernote into your habit tracking routine is a valuable strategy that can lead to better self-awareness, increased productivity, and improved well-being. Its flexibility, convenience, and user-friendly interface make it an excellent tool to support your journey towards personal growth and success.